Hi All, truly annoyed with this distro. Here is my situation. I attempted CD based upgrade from 2 to 3 just b4. Got to a certain package, which gave the following error, ttfonts-ja-1.2-36 cannot be opened-missing/corrupt file/package-corrupt CD media/drive can't read media(paraphrased message) Press to try again This just continually popped after, after clicking OK x amount of times. So, without a "SKIP" option, I had no choice(that I could clearly see), but to remove the CD media and either try again, or, just boot into my original install(or so I thought). What have I been left with..? A mixed install(or very limited install/upgrade to 3..since I was still only at CD 2 when this happened). Now, I ask, why no skip option so I can continue the install.? Truly appalling, indeed. I can't even get my head around what my options may be here. Try again, picking up where the upgrade left off. Trashing it and doing a complete re-install. Trashing Fedora all-together, and going with another distro. Thoroughly annoyed at this, but, need to refocus and get myself out of it. What would you recommend here.? I'm at a loss. I'm trying to be calm, and rational, but, it's tough. Cheers. Mark Sargent.