Mostafa Z. Afgani wrote:
Yes. You will need the FC3 boot CD for this:
1. at the "boot:" prompt, type "linux rescue"
2. after getting through the initial steps, you are at a shell
3. at the shell type "chroot /mnt/sysimage"
4. type "fdisk -l" to determine the device number of your root
partition. This will look something like /dev/hda1
5. then, type "grub"
6. this should give you the grub prompt: "grub>"
7. type: "root (hd0,0)" assuming your root is at /dev/hda1. for
/dev/hdb3 it would look like "root (hd1,4)". you get the idea ..
for /dev/hdb3 it would look like "root (hd1,2)" actually...