Sorry if I'm not replying correctly ... I'm using the digest form of the list, and I can't seem to reply to individual messages, so I edited the digest version. (I'll switch "Digest Mode" off in the future.)Option "Noaccel" # add this line to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
Anyway, here is the Video section of my xorg.conf file:
Section "Device" Identifier "Videocard0" Driver "i810" VendorName "Videocard vendor" BoardName "Intel 810"
Though this problem with the i810 driver made it to the show for FC3, it is gone now with newer versions of xorg-x11. I just recently tried a later FC4 development (rawhide) and it works fairly decent.
Here is a link for the problem and the work performed by the developers and the input from those effected.
The problem is that the screen would not refresh and cause the menus only showing when you move the mouse over them. Also bits and pieces showed on the display.
The Option "NoAccel" is only needed until after you upgrade your system to the latest packages. After you get the bugfixed versions of xorg-x11, you won't need the "NoAccel" entry in your config file any longer. You cn safely remove or comment it out post upgrade.
One note though, this refresh problem required a reboot of the system to set all the processes reuired for the GUI to be set up correctly.
I hope this helps, Jim
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