I'm almost all set-- I just need to know how to make the routing table permanent. Looking at /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network, it reads a static-
routes file (if present) and adds routes found there. Looks like all
I have to do is gin up a file for it to read. Unfortunately the rc script dosn't allow the arguments I think I need:
the rc script invokes route sort of like this:
cat static_routes | while read ignore args ; do /sbin/route add -$args done
The lines I *want* to generate to route are:
route add -net <router's_network> netmask eth0 route add default gw <router_1> route add default gw <router_2>
but the darn '-' in the script gets in the way of the 2nd & 3rd lines, route(8) doesn't like "-default". (The local network router doesn't have an address on the local net. Beats me! The switches around here
are a madhouse.)
What's the trick? (Yes I could edit the rc script but would rather not).
Mike Klinke wrote:
16.140.160/24 <-- fc3 box is on this one
eth0 is network and IP addresses that you listed don't match. Is this a typo?
-- Douglas Frank HP Co. 110 Spit Brook Rd. Blessed are the Bewildered Nashua, NH 03062 USA for they won't notice