On Tuesday 08 February 2005 14:43, Paul Howarth shaped the electrons to say:
Scott Ryan wrote:
On Tuesday 08 February 2005 10:56, Paul Howarth shaped the electrons to
He's already got k3b; he's looking for k3bsetup, which is not part of the Fedora k3b package because it *should* not be needed on a system like FC3 with udev to set the device permissions properly. The idea is that the CD writer device gets its ownership changed to the console user when they log in.
Im sure that this is the reason that I cannot mount my cd/dvd device as well. What must my hd* look like in /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions?
You don't need to make changes to this file. What you need is for udev to create the symlink /dev/cdwriter -> /dev/hdX (where hdX is you CD writer device); /etc/security/console.perms then specifies that any device of that name should be owned by the user logged in at the console.
Are you getting a link /dev/cdwriter -> /dev/hdX created at boot time?
-> ls -al cdwriter lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Feb 8 06:45 cdwriter -> hdc
Is /dev/hdX changing ownership when someone logs in at the console?
-> cat /etc/security/console.perms | grep cdrom <cdrom>=/dev/cdrom* /dev/cdroms/* /dev/cdwriter* /mnt/cdrom* <console> 0600 <cdrom> 0660 root.disk
The files look OK; at least, they look the same as mine do!
Do you have a file /var/run/console/console.lock, and is your username in it?