This is probably redundant, but I would suggest to anybody who's looking for a good interface to work with the volume on this list to use gmail. It threads the discssions better than Kmail did for me, it's there when i want it and I'm not waiting to download anything. And the whole stars-labels thing is brilliant for managing mailing lists. It only works in firefox mind you (I personally prefer opera), but if anybody wants to give it a shot, just email me dotan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I'll send you an invite for gmail.
On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 17:48:47 -0400, Arthur Pemberton <dalive@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Fritz Whittington wrote:
On or about 2005-02-07 12:59, William Hooper whipped out a trusty #2 pencil and scribbled:
Michael W. Carney said:
Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
| | And the Really Great Thing [tm] about using the NNTP protocol as a base | is that there *are* good news-to-mail and news-to-web gateway software | packages! So if the base is NNTP, you can use a newsreader, mail client, | or browser (whichever you prefer) to get the messages any way you like. | | What's not to like?
Nothing. Let's *PLEASE* to to a fedora-private nntp system for the fedora community "groups". Using mail lists for the community has been and continues to be torture.
There are already two ways of viewing this list via NNTP, why do we need another?
As previously mentioned, carries the Fedora lists. I also go reminded (thanks to Pete Zaitcev's Blog) that Red Hat also already runs an NNTP gateway (news://
Anyone wishing to test a "news-to-web" gateway would do well to start there tests with one of those two.
Agreed. The only problem with the news is that it doesn't seem to propagate postings to it backwards to the list, only from the list to the newsgroup. OTOH, if we all just stopped using the list and just used the newsgroup....
Is there any good reason that we continue with the mail list when the newsgroup seems to work so much better? I suppose it depends a little on your connection speed, your ISP (POP3 or IMAP) and your mail/news reader software. But I think it makes a lot more sense to download just the headers and then pick the articles you wish to see, than having to download everything (as in POP3).
Pardon my ignorance, but why are newsgroups so much better? and how do I go abotu accessing the fedora newsgroups?
There are a few extra steps needed to use the news service and then select gated.rhl-list. I am replying to this post from the news service and then changing the from and replacing the list and the newsgroup with my account that I ma subscribed to the fedora-list with.
The headers are probably messed up and break threads, but it migh be a good option if you would rather read the messages via the nntp newsgroup and only reply to your account where you selected to not recieve messages from.
I personally still prefer regular email, but see this option as a possible solution to those wanting nntp, which is already in place, sort of.
-- character density, n.: The number of very weird people in the office.