Michael A. Peters wrote:
On 02/05/2005 04:02:54 PM, Michael A. Peters wrote:
This use to work just fine.
Drawin with paintbrush - worked.
Added text - worked.
Went back to paintbrush - it won't do anything now.
Last text I typed is still selected in a box - I suspect that's why,
but I really can't figure out how to tell the Gimp I want to draw
some more.
Selecting the brush use to just work - how do I draw again?
Seems to be a layer issue - I can use the paint brush in the selected
text area, not elsewhere - how do I deselect the text layer and go
back to the layer I was drawing in? I can't find that in the layer menu.
I admit when it comes to any graphics program newer than MacPaint -
I'm at a total loss on how they work - but Gimp, I use to be able to
use it just fine, it seems to have changed how it does stuff though :(
Ctrl + L to bring up the Layers window.
Ctrl + Shift + A deselects everything.
Hope this helps!
Thomas Riggs