I have just recently started using Fedora core 3 and have been having problems doing the updates. My friend suggested using apt and synaptic which he showed me and I like alot. My problem is the copy that i downloaded seems to have a problem (or more likely I did it wrong) i got the program installed but when I run apt-get update it doesn't get the update files. It doesnt seem to know where the correct repoitories are. I did a little research on a forum and they suggested some files to edit and it will find some things now but I still cannot do core updates. Am I forgetting a step or could there be another place to get the file from that would be a better version. The file name is "apt-0.5.15cnc6-11.i386.rpm". I got it from "http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/3/i386/rpms.extras/". My friend has it installed and it works just fine but we dont know where he got his file from. Any help would be appriciated because I am very new to linux but I like it and want to start using fedora all the time. Thanks Matt