On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 17:19:15 +0000, Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:VFAT has no concept of who owns files, so you can't chown them. You need to specify who the owner should be at mount time, so try adding the options uid=jim,gid=jim to your fstab entry for this filesystem.
Next time you mount it, you should then be the owner of the files.
So this should do.....? /dev/hda5 /home/jim/windrive vfat defaults,rw,nodev,uid=jim,gid=jim,noexec 0 0
Get rid of the "defaults"; it's only there as a placeholder for when you're not specifying any other options, such as "rw,nodev,uid=jim,gid=jim,noexec".