After updating to the latest kernel, 2.6.10-1.760_FC3, I rebooted (without cycling the power) and something strange happened. My gigabit ethernet card (RTL8169 chipset on PCI card) simply did not work at all. The TCP stack seemed fine, but no Ethernet frames would ever go out. No arp resolutions would even happen, nor anything else. No amount of bringing down or up the interface (eth0) worked, nor bringing up or down the link (ip link set ...). I noticed that the activity lights on my gigabit switch for that port were continuously busy; but no traffic was entering any other ports. I examined the syslog and nothing out of place was found, except the expected things like NFS mounts failing. I finally powered the system completely off then on, and it has been behaving correctly ever since. No network cables were touched nor was the switch reset. Thus, this is no longer an immediate problem for me. But I wanted to report this in case there is some kind of linux problem and not just a freak occurrence. Has anybody else seen something like this? -- Deron Meranda