>> Hi,
>> I want to know if a project like this exists :
>> A web interface for a system summary (load average etc.. (like
>> phpsysinfo)) with administration possibility (add, remove... users /
>> group...) and have a summary of the system (like the daily mail made >>by
>> slocate (or another cron.daily task....) ?
>> I search this just for fedora.. the idea isn't to make another webmin
>> but to make a Fedora Server Web Interface if you know what i'm >>searching..
> Yep, there used to be two of them, LinuxConf and Webmin. I crashed >many machines with LinuxConf...and so I abandoned it. Webmin works >across SSL on the net, so it's nice for remote administration. Sure, >you can SSH into the thing and mess with the actual files and such, but >once it's installed an tuned, why not take the easy way and save time? > > Plus, if you have a local person on site that you trust with some >(but not all) tasks, you can give him a webmin login and limit him to >things he's good at. > > I've never 'scrogged' part of the system with Webmin, much less the >whole thing. And usually when it creates part of a configuration file, >it seems to 'know' or 'remember' the details better than I do. :> > > If it's running, it's on http://localhost:10000. If it's not, run >'service webmin start' to kick it off. I think you'll find it's very >well written. (And, when SSH is denied, it can be a lifesaver!)
Ok but Webmin is just a part of what i'm searching..
I want to have an system stats and summary (if service failed..) and a lot of information about my systems (i think the software must parse logs)