Hello, I have a computer running Red Hat 9 (Shrike). I'd like to upgrade to FC3. Unfortunately, the (graphical) installer doesn't seem to recognize the presence of a previous installation and does not offer to upgrade it. Here's my partition list: /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw) /dev/sda2 on /usr type ext3 (rw) /dev/sda5 on /home type ext3 (rw) /dev/sda6 on / type ext3 (rw) /dev/sda7 on /var type ext3 (rw) I wonder if this has to do with the fact that this is a purely SCSI computer? However, the installer does load the appropriate SCSI modules during the pre-graphical phase; and the bottom of anaconda.log shows that apparently it goes look for things there: * moving (1) to step language * moving (1) to step keyboard * running ['/usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap', '-layout', 'us', '-model', 'pc105', '-option', ''] * moving (1) to step findrootparts * isys.py:mount()- going to mount /tmp/sda1 on /mnt/sysimage * isys.py:mount()- going to mount /tmp/sda2 on /mnt/sysimage * isys.py:mount()- going to mount /tmp/sda5 on /mnt/sysimage * isys.py:mount()- going to mount /tmp/sda6 on /mnt/sysimage * isys.py:mount()- going to mount /tmp/sda7 on /mnt/sysimage * moving (1) to step installtype * Detected 2032M of memory * Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M * moving (1) to step partitionmethod * moving (-1) to step installtype * moving (-1) to step findrootparts * moving (-1) to step keyboard Help please... -- Jean-Louis Leroy Sound Object Logic http://www.soundobjectlogic.com