Andrzej KÄkolewski wrote:
Dnia 28-01-2005, piÄ o godzinie 00:30 -0500, Claude Jones napisaÅ(a):
I tried to change the icon for a program that came up as a gear-wheel by
right clicking and going to properties. In there there seemed to be a
way but the result was that about 70% of my icons in the \usr\bin folder
have been converted to the same icon. Can someone tell me what's going on?
Thanks, but finding pixmaps is not my problem. I'm running KDE. I tried
to change the icon for one program that I had placed on my desktop. By
right clicking the icon and selecting properties, you can get to a
dialogue that allows you to change the icon, but, this changed not only
the icon for the one program, but the icons for a huge number of programs.
Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA