Re: Why I think FC3 sucks!

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Edward Yang wrote:

3. After several times of kernel updating (at least 3), I finally can boot into X from the so called official kernel provided by FC3.

4. It is hopelessly slower than FC1! I could run FC1 with only 128mb memory and don't feel much sluggishness. I now run FC3 with 164mb memory, but it is visibly slower than FC1! Application startup time is almost unbearable.

Do a test.. Get the source from and recompile it , using the same config file used by redhat... You'll notice that it is just slow as the default kernel... This is related to some kernel changes made in the kernel that , in tools like virtual pc and vmware , result in running slower... In normal hardware , it works at least as fast as (but usually faster than) kernel 2.4....

5. I am a newbie on Linux, but I already find a few bugs. For example, in gnome-termial, if I set DEL to ASCII DEL in the profile settings, it actualy acts like BACKSPACE. This bug may be specific only to gnome, but since it's bundled with FC3, so I attribute the problem to FC3. It's quite reasonable.

It's not reasonable. If the bug is in Gnome , it's a gnome bug , not a FC3 bug. Unless you find a item in the Changelog or a patch in the src.rpm added by redhat that caused the problem , it's an upstream bug that should be reported to Gnome.. Btw , did you made a bug report about it ???

6. I have not acurate data to prove this, but I feel the system boot up time is longer than FC1.

Maybe.. FC1 didnt have selinux , didnt have NFS4 and a few other things.... You know that you can (and should) disable unnecessary services ? This have two effects: improved security and a little improvement in boot time.

7. This is a minor problem - I only installed kernel+gnome, no KDE. Yet it takes up more than 2gb space. What the hell? A normal Windows 2000 installation usually takes only 1.5gb even with all components selected. I forgot how much was FC1, but FC3 apparently is not doing better or even worse.

Let's not compare windows and linux , ok?
Do a rpm -qa and you'll see that you get a lot of other stuff... If you installed a single KDE app , you end up having to install several libs from KDE... Also , if you have openoffice , you'll notice that the i18n package is a little too big (it's meant to be split up for FC4)... (btw, if you dont remmember how much space FC1 used , how can you compare it?)

Pedro Macedo

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