Does anyone on either of this list know how to properly configure LIRC esp on a laptop? I have a D600, and I've verified that the IRDA works under linux. (using the SIR protocol) I've tried to make lirc work but am unsure why there's no response. Just to be sure, IRDA is _not_ started when I start LIRCd. ls -l /dev/lirc* gets me srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Jan 26 2005 /dev/lircd prw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 26 2005 /dev/lircm and also /dev/lirc/0 if I start lircd via sudo lircd -n -d /dev/lirc/0 on a console and then I start "irw" on another, pressing _any_ buttons on the remote (any remote) doesn't give me any output. Addition to that, using irrecord also does not work. Does anyone has any experience in this?? All the stuffs I've seen on the internet involves a home-brewed IR receiver. If I can't get this to work, Mythtv will be of not much use :-( Did I mention that I looked and followed the tute found on The thing is, I don't have a ATI USB remote nor any other fancy remote. I'm trying it on one(few) of those TV remotes lying around the house -- Ow Mun Heng Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 98% Microsoft(tm) Free!! Neuromancer 13:41:19 up 4:24, 6 users, load average: 0.41, 0.42, 0.31