Hello List I am having a problem with XFree86 crashing in a seemingly random manner and then restarting, thus logging me out. I found the following in /var/log/messages: Jan 24 11:57:33 leartes gdm[2356]: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 I'm not exactly sure what causes this, but it tends to happen if I leave a program running while logged in for a long time (around 3 or 4 hours). Any ideas as to what this is caused by? In case any of you are wondering why I have not upgraded to FC 3, it is because I use this box for audio work, and use the PlanetCCRMA package for FC 1. The 2.4 kernels are better for low latency than 2.6 at this point (so I'm told; correct me if I'm wrong), so I stick with FC 1 to use 2.4. Thanks for any help. Ben