On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 14:33:04 -0500, Mark Weaver <mdw1982@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Stuart Mackintosh wrote:
I've been wondering what package supplies the smartd daemon that starts at system startup.
rpm -q --whatprovides `which smartd` kernel-utils-2.4-9.1.101.fedora
ok..so even after reinstalling the necessary package I'm getting this message from the services dialog when starting smartd:
smartd dead but subsys locked
apart from the obvious whats it telling me?
Well the obvious thing to look for is to see if there is a file called "smartd" in /var/lock/subsys that should have been removed if it shut down properly.
If that file is not there and then you try to do "service start smartd" (AS ROOT) is that when you are getting your errors?
When I started the service via the GUI services dialog it reported the service starting ok, but then you'd see a message that the subsys was locked or something. Some brief googling led me to a post that suggested taking a look inside the /etc/smartd.conf file. so, thats what I did.
When I looked inside the file it had two drives listed there. There is only one drive in the machine; there used to be two, but I removed one for one of my servers that needed more storage.
Once I removed that entry from the smartd.conf file the service started and now runs normally.
-- Mark ----------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Penguins against modern appliances(R) Linux User Since 1996 Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.2 & RH Fedora Core 3 ICQ# 27816299