Okay, without going into a ton of detail, here are the facts...
1. I cannot boot the 2.6.9 kernel on my laptop unless I disable ACPI;
2. If I disable ACPI, my NIC stops functioning;
3. I CAN boot the 2.6.10 kernel on my laptop without disabling anything;
4. I want to do a clean install of FC3;
5. I do not have a floppy drive (forgot why I am mentioning that);
6. I have all of the FC3 CDs burned and ready; and,
7. I downloaded the entire "update" directory and have 2.6.10 on that CD.
Now the question...
What the heck do I do now!?!?!? =(
If I install FC3, I will have to disable ACPI to get it to complete the install. Rumor has it that, if I disable ACPI during the install, that it will not be available when I install the new kernel.
Please help end the confusion.
Thanx, Ryan