That is where I'm at. I don't understand how that relates to the second line in the instructions, "cp ../2.6.x/Makefile ." As far as I can tell, the syntax of the cp statement needs a from and a to directory.
There is a "from" (../2.6.x/Makefile) and a "to" (.). In Unix/Linux, a dot represents the current directory. Actually that applies in DOS/Windows too. So it's asking to to change into the STA/Module directory and copy in the Makefile for a 2.6.x kernel.
There is a makefile in the /STA/Module directory. Is it asking me to overwrite the Makefile in the kernel which is for me /usr/src/linux-2.6.10 ?
It's asking you to copy in the Makefile for a 2.6.x kernel version of the module you're trying to build into the STA/Module directory (wasn't that part of the source you downloaded?).