from what i havbe read from other posts, networkmanger doesn't use the configuration files from etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/your device . if that is the case, how or where can I configure the correct configuration files for network manger to i can use it? as of now, if i start the network manager to run level 5 and type in the terminal, NetworkManagerInfo on my toolbar, i get a icon that looks like a sonar waving around. Not to mention, i get booted off my connection when i start the process. when i click it, i get a message that the device is not configured and gives me a error, and locks up my notebook. I read the bugs reports and there is no solution for this from what i read. So what is the solution to my situtation? how i connect Now..... As of now i have to boot up not activating any devices, open a terminal window, type in iwconfig eth1 essid XXXXXXXXXXXXX key XXXXXXXXXXXXX go and open the Network Device Control under System Tools click the activate button switch back to the terminal hit enter and in a few seconds, i'm connected. -- Still Learning Linux Still HaTE Microsoft ************************************ Registered Linux User: #376813 jim lawrence