I am able to boot properly with supplied 2.6.9-1.667_FC3 kernel. The system recognized both scsi drives naming them sda and sdb. Grub then boots properly from hd0,1. This is a dual boot system with Windows 64 in the first partition. I cannot boot with either the ...1.681 or ...1.724 kernels. The system cannot find the root directory ("/") or for that matter the drives themselves. The error messages only appear on the console. I have rebuilt the 2.6.9 kernel from source using the default single processor configuration file and experince the same behavior. I both cases the system ignores the scsi drives and names the sata drives as sda and sdb. The scsi drives are not recognized. I have a Gigabyte K8NPRO motherboard. I have a DVD reader and a DVD writer attached to IDE but no hard drives. I am operating the sata drives in their base configuration. I have a LSI Logic /Symbios Logic 53c1010 Ultra3 SCSI Adapter with Fujitsu and WDigital drives. The system is set to boot from the cdrom and then scsi. I have googled and read as much documentation as I can find and have found many references to problems with scsi and sata. I speculate that one of the fixes to get sata to work may have broken scsi but have no idea how to fix the problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated, Don