Ow Mun Heng wrote: | simply wonderful. Want a program? esearch <name>, want to install? | emerge <name>.
How's that any different from
# yum info <package> # yum install <package>
with a proper set of repos? Even better,
# smart install <package> ;)
Now, my reasons for going bleeding-edge:
My first linux was RH8 back in 2002. Then I had to go backwards to 7.3 to use a program that wouldn't work on RH8.
After that came RH9, FC1, FC2, and now, ofcourse, FC3.
I tried using SuSE, but it just didn't feel right. It was a bit too YaSTy I guess.. manual editing of *.conf files is no joy in that world..
The other thing abt SuSE that annoyed me the most was the fact that after su-ing to root from a console, I wasn't allowed X!
Minor things .. one might say .. but I suppose I've just grown to love the RH/Fedora way of things..
Cheers, - -M -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (MingW32)
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