Jim wrote: > hi after installing the drivers for my wireless and getting it to work > i want to secure the connection. i edit the network device and insert > the wep key used > i can't connect to my router anymore. > should i use a different encryption ( yes i know that wep isn't as > secure as others but for simplicity ) > any help would be appreciated. > i would also like to connect to this AP everytime i boot up if i go to > a different AP i would like to have a script or a different script i > can choose . > > thanks I'm not at my laptop, so this is from memory... First off, try restarting your router...=) If that doesn't work, check your wep key, it should be in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and it should be in a file that ends with .key or something like that (<wl profile>.key). I think the file is one line: KEY=<some hex number> The hex number shouldn't have the 0x prefix (I don't think). The router should report the key in plain hex to copy/paste. I tried using a string key, but couldn't get it to work, just using the plain hex worked for me. Then its just a matter of ifdown <wl profile> then ifup <wl profile>.