The file that gets written is when you follow the procedure below is
with the following information:
send host-name "myfcserver"; # or whatever is the name of your server.
So, it is a different file that you need than the one in the network-scripts directory.
HTH (for doing this by hand) Partha
Partha Bagchi wrote:
There was a question about hostname in FC, namely that the router did not show the name of the linux machine on the router DHCP table. In my setup (FC3, linksys router), I made the following change: Go to
System Settings -> network
and then select your interface. I have wired and wireless. I picked the wireless and selected edit. I then changed the DHCP hostname to my computer name and saved. I restarted the network and voila - The name was visible in the router DHCP table.
HTH, Partha