Being a newbie to Linux, I am attempting to install Fedora from CD’s supplied with ht book “Official Fedora Companion” onto an AMD K6/200 with 256MB RAM; 1x2.1GB and 1x40GB (only 20GB of which is recognized). I am encountering 2 error messages:Not recognizing the entire hard drive space indicates something is wrong. If the entire drive is recognized in Windows (or another much better operating system), your system is not configured correctly or the other operating system is using a special driver. What type of hard drive and controller is used here?
1. “/dev/hdb is inconsistent …. Linux detected BIOS geometry incorrectly … Using LBA is recommended.” Both hard drives are in BIOS as LBA.
2. “You are trying to install on a machine which is not supported by this release of Fedora Core”
The fact that your drive is not completely recognized may be why you receive this message.
> Are these messages related, or is the AMD platform a problem?
I think the messages are related and the AMD K6 should not be a problem as far as I know.
Where should I go from here?
Give us the answer to the drive controller and we may be able to find a solution.
-- James McKenzie