user1 and user2 are system users. user100 is a NON-Existent user.
user999 is a virtual user in cyrus.
Mails sent to user1 and user2 will get auth'ed using the system's passwd file. No issues there.
mails sent to user100 will get bounced with No-User Found. Normally desired. Only things is, currently, I want to experiment and I want a catchall address. eg: All non-existent users (in cyrus or system accounts) will be sent to catchall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Do you have a mailbox for this "catchall"? I think it should be possible to forward this mail either to one of the system users or to a virtual user in cyrus (I don't know cyrus, I'm using courier-imap).
Would you mind to post your main.cf (without the comments)?
As far as I understand your setup, you want to get mail for user1/user2 in their mailboxes, and mail for anything other @virtual.domain1.com to ... a mailbox of user1 or user2, or a virtual cyrus user? Like so:
mail for user1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> delivered to /var/spool/mail/user1 mail for user2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> delivered to /var/spool/mail/user2 mail for userx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> delivered to ???
Is this ok or should _any_ mail for virtual.domain1.com go to a system user or a virtual user, e.g.:
mail for user1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> delivered to /var/spool/mail/user1 mail for user2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> delivered to /var/spool/mail/user1 mail for userx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> delivered to /var/spool/mail/user1
mails sent to user999 will be accepted(as with any valid users already in cyrus's mailbox database), but there is curently no way (yet, since I'm still trying to figure out how to get virtual users auth'ed w/o using LDAP/mySQL/PostgrelQSL and only flat files and _not_ the system /etc/passwd file) to get to the emails via Evolution since there's No-password!
As I said above, I don't know anything about cyrus. I'm using courier-imap and configured it to use virtual mailboxes based on an own little database (created and maintained by simple commandline commands).
My email users are totally seperated and independent from the system users. An example: I host the domain domainx.de and have there three virtual mailboxes and a catchall.
domainx.de is listed in virtual_mailbox_domains (main.cf).
I have also
virtual_mailbox_base = /home/vmail and virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
in main.cf.
/etc/postfix/virtual lists these entries for domainx.de:
user1@xxxxxxxxxx domainx.de/user1/ user2@xxxxxxxxxx domainx.de/user2/ user3@xxxxxxxxxx domainx.de/user3/ @domainx.de domainx.de/user2/
That means Maidirs are at /home/vmail/domainx.de/userx/
user1, user2 and user3 get their emails (userx@xxxxxxxxxx) and user2 gets all other emails to anything@xxxxxxxxxx in addition to his own ones.
Perhaps this can help you.