> Having done so, I made a series of screen captures under both Windows
2000 and Fedora Core 2 (fully updated), on my dual-booting Inspiron 5000e laptop. Here are the results:
When comparing, please disregard the headings that wound up being anti-aliased on Win2K but not on FC2.
As you can see, the results are not identical, and, I think, look poorer on Fedora.
I think they both look terrible. I'm running Firefox-1.0 on FC/3, with my font setting for Proportional set to San-Serif 14pt, San-Serif set to Arial, and "Always use my fonts" checked (selected) -- it looks terrible; however, changing San-Serif to san-serif, Bitstream Vera Sans, Luxi Sans, Nimbus Sans L, or Tahoma makes www.slashdot.org look terrific!
Try losing the Arial and using a different proportional font. Note: I installed the msttcorefonts-1.3-3 RPM package.