A fresh install from CDROMs, a full install. I'm quite aware mp3s aren't supported by default, and I know why. Alternatives exist- kinda.
Some Google hits report that I should find "gstreamer-plugins-mp3" and some say I need "gstreamer-plugins-audio". Neither that I can find, and install with a download and an rpm install work.
I've looked into adding Livna; seems shaky. I added FreshRPMs, DAG, and even the Gstreamer site. I've tried removing all packages with "gstream" in the name (--nodeps) and installing _only_ from the base +Dag, or base+Freshrpms, and base+gstreamer sites, and no headway is ever made.
Yes, I run gst-register (thanks, Google) in between each flush-and- fill of the gstreamer install.
Ideas left: can someone send me a package-list of a working gstreamer+mp3 situation so I can tell how far wrong I am?
Maybe someone else has been here, and the answer's simple?
Thanks- I appreciate anything you can do.
Here are all the gstreamer packages I have installed on FC3:
rpm -qa | grep gstreamer
gstreamer-plugins-extra-dvd-0.8.6-0.1.fc3.fr gstreamer-plugins-0.8.5-1 gstreamer-plugins-extra-video-0.8.6-0.1.fc3.fr gstreamer-0.8.7-4.FC3.0 gstreamer-plugins-extra-audio-0.8.6-0.1.fc3.fr
the last one, gstreamer-plugins-extra-audio, is the one that gives me mp3 playback. I got it via yum from freshrpms.net.
Cheers, Kenny