Thanks to the help I got in this list my LDAP authentication now works properly
However I have come across another problem
Is there a idiots guide to setting up Gnome to use auto mounted home directories
The situation is this
3 test client machines authenticate with a LDAP server On this server are the home directories
Users log into the client, get authenticated by the LDAP server and autofs mounts their home directories that are on the same server
Everything works fine providing a user doesn't log on to two machines at the same time
If they log on to two machines at the same time the second machine to
log on won't logout. After about 10 attempts and about 10 minutes later
it would let the user log out. Apart from that everyting seem to work fine
I added the ORBIIOPIPv4=1 in /etc/orbitrc and I'm pretty sure I have nfs locking working OK