Anyone know where I can find an rpm for Bacula for Fedora Core 3 x86_64?
What is needed to compile the sources for Bacula?
You can grab the source RPM at
Download that, then use:
rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'build_fc1 1' --define 'build_mysql 1' \ bacula-1.36.1-2.src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'build_fc1 1' --define 'build_sqlite 1' \ bacula-1.36.1-2.src.rpm
rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'build_fc1 1' --define 'build_postgresql 1' \ bacula-1.36.1-2.src.rpm
depending on which backend database you want to use. You may need to install some other packages due to build dependencies but RPM will tell you about those if they're needed.
Don't be tempted to replace the "build_fc1" with "build_fc3"; the spec file only supports fc1 directly and builds just fine like that.
If you've not build RPMs before, instructions for setting a build area in your own directory (so you can build as non-root - highly recommended) can be found at: