A google found me a quick fix by Bob Loblaw:
In /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/rules, make a sym link:
ln -s xorg.lst xfree86.lst
Thanks Bob.
I did an upgrade of FC1 -> FC3 on a P4, Intel845 board, Rage 128, PS2 mouse
and PS2 pc105 keyboard.
Trying to run the gnome desktop gives the error:
"Error activating XKB configuration"
"Probably internal X server problem"
"XServer version data: Xorg Foundation 60801000
"If you report this, include results of:
" xprop -root | grep XKB"
"and gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb"
The result of the 'xprop' is;
Regarding the second command that is suggested, I assume it means to look in
I notice there is only a 'xkb.backup' file there.
Note, while I am not a 'KDB' user, that desktop runs just fine.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Henry Leparskas