Hi all, I tried to upgrade from FC2->FC3 today. However the installer failed to get the "install-image" on my hard disk. How much space is needed for this image and where is this space needed? Currently I have the following partitions: hdc1 102Mb 14% used /boot hdc2 75320Mb 24% used / hdc3 894 MB linux-swap This is the "automatic" generated partion of the FC2 installation. Jouk Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others. >------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Jouk Jansen joukj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Technische Universiteit Delft tttttttttt uu uu ddddddd Kavli Institute of Nanoscience tttttttttt uu uu dd dd Nationaal centrum voor HREM tt uu uu dd dd Rotterdamseweg 137 tt uu uu dd dd 2628 AL Delft tt uu uu dd dd Nederland tt uu uu dd dd tel. 31-15-2782272 tt uuuuuuu ddddddd >------------------------------------------------------------------------------<