However, in checking the dmesg file, I found the following repeated error message:
eth0: -- ERROR -- Class: internal Software error Nr: 0x19e Msg: Vpd: Cannot read VPD keys
In three days of operation, this stupid message also caused the /var/log/messages file to balloon to more than 20 MB. While this may seem to be only a nuisance and does not seem to cause any problem, the real problem was experienced when I tried to log into init 3--this naughty message continuously popped up, making it impossible to enter any command.
This error message appears to be related to the gigabit lan which is part of the nForce3 chipset. Similar complaints have also been reported by others who use Asus motherboard having the nForce3 chipset.
Aside from installing a separate NIC card, is there any to depress this error message? Thanks.