I just got a Sony SDM-S73 flat panel LCD TFT monitor. I have two Linux computers, one running RedHat 8 (the problem computer) and the other running Fedora 2 core. The one running Fedora 2 has no trouble with the monitor. Neither do the windows computer connected to it. However, the RedHat 8 computer flickers when connected to the monitor. All computers are connected using a KVM, but I have taken the KVM out of the loop and the flickering with the RedHat 8 computer continues. Does anyone know the settings for XF86config file to make the monitor work with RedHat 8? The problem computer has 6 Ethernet ports but no floppy or cdrom. I have downloaded all the iso images to this server for Fedora 2 core. Is there any way to upgrade RedHat 8 to Fedora 2 without a floppy drive or cdrom drive? Worst case, I can open the case in attach a cd drive, but that is very clumsy. I'd like to be able to update from the iso images. I have taken one more step on this path by mounting the iso images. Can an update be managed from them? Thanks, Jerome 415-461-6476 Jerome Freedman, Ph. D. jerome@xxxxxxxxxxxx http://newterra.net http://jewelsbymala.com http://jewelrybymala.com http://jobs-are-us.com http://micah-affiliates.com http://mountainsangha.org http://enneagram-instrument.org http://yellowstream.org