On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 09:50 -0600, Bill Gradwohl wrote: > Two questions: An excellent Bash guide is here: http://personal.riverusers.com/~thegrendel/abs-guide-3.1.tar.bz2 -- jules > 1) When a BASH script is executed, the file that represents the script > must be read by the interpreter. Assuming the script is a long running > script, is it safe to modify the script while its executing? The real > question boils down to is the entire script read into memory or not > before execution starts, or is it read as needed from disk. I ask > because I'd like to test a script, and while its running and I see > errors, I'd like to modify the script without disturbing the executing > version. > > 2) There seems to be no way to "goto" in BASH. If one has a lengthy > script that fails half way down, the only thing to do appears to be to > wrap the top half in an if that won't execute so as to skip that top > half and get to where the script should again restart. Is there a better > way to do this? > > -- > Bill Gradwohl > bill@xxxxxxx > http://www.ycc.com > spamSTOMPER Protected email >