> > On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 14:27 +0800, Wong Kwok-hon wrote: > > > Any method can add additional language in FC3 ? And How about to > > > remove the wrong language as I installed ? I assume you mean adding in a language that is already included in FC3, but which you failed to select during the install/upgrade process. If you want to add an entirely new language you have a lot of work to do. The system-config-language tool (selectable from the menu Applications -> System Settings -> Language), allows you to select what you system's default language. In reality this sets the appropriate locale environment variables for all processes. However you may notice that the list to select from may be rather limited (or just a single language). The trick is to edit the file /etc/sysconfig/i18n and add additional languages to the SUPPORTED variable assignment. For example, LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SUPPORTED="en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en:fr_FR" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" The list of languages/locales is a colon-separated list, where each entry is a language tag optionally followed by a dot and an encoding. A list of all the known languages can be found in the file /usr/share/system-config-language/locale-list. After you add new entries to the /etc/sysconfig/i18n supported list, re-run the system-config-language tool and you'll see the new choices. Also, although most programs in FC already install complete language translations, there are a few in which the languages are in separate RPM files. You may want to install those if not already included (either using RPM or yum). The names of these RPM packages are as follows (with XXX being the name of a specific language): aspell-XXX man-pages-XXX kde-i18n-XXX openoffice.org-i18n You may also need additional fonts depending on what language you're trying to support. Look for font packages with names starting with "fonts-", "ttfont-", or taipeifonts. There are many other packages which support multilanguage type functionality, from editors to translation tools and so forth, especially for non-Latin languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Russian, etc. Look through the Fedora package list to see if you find anything interesting. Oh, and don't forget to change your web browser language preferences too; that way websites which follow the web standards and which are internationalized will also show their content in your prefered language too (Google does this, as a good website example). -- Deron Meranda