Erik Kjær Pedersen wrote:
Lørdag 04 december 2004 15:36 skrev Gustavo Seabra:I also use this repository, but with yum and in FC3. However, people had said that this problem appears in other distros as well, so it may not be fedora-related.
Marvin Dickens wrote:
As I recall, users on the TeX mailing list helped
me with this issue. I don't remember the fix, but
there is one.
I have TeX and kdvi working perfectly on fedora 2 but I use the kde-redhat repository, and they make better versions of the kde-programs than fedora. I have these
4 lines in my sources for apt-get
rpm fedora/2 stable rpm fedora/all stable rpm kde-redhat/2 stable rpm kde-redhat/all stable
and with those everything kde works a lot better
By the way, when you mention it works for you, is it using kdvi from command line ?
$ kdvi myfile.dvi &
If I use the GUI to open kdvi, it works. The problem is that, frequently, I use it remotely by SSH, so something that works from command line is better for me.
-- -- ---------------------------------- Gustavo Seabra - Graduate Student Chemistry Department Kansas State University ----------------------------------