El jue, 02-12-2004 a las 16:06 -0500, Seth Art escribió: > Now that i have giving you some more insite. Here are all the details: ... good, now that's better. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3 syntax must include DEVICE=eth3, the same pair with eth0. /etc/sysconfig/network must include GATEWAY=, but: probably the error is some routing problem. Now you are blocked, can you ask someone to print your routing table (route -n) before correcting the error? if this is the error, use /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 and ...eth3 to set your routes, example: your_network_1/24 via your_network_2/24 via your_network_3/24 via ... > I hope i have given you enough details without boring you. better! good luck! -- Rodolfo Alcázar (rodolfo.alcazar@xxxxxxxxxxxx) Administrador datos y red - Padep/GTZ La Paz, Bolivia