Hi, Help. I want to recreate my FC3 distribution "tree" -- basically I want to create a "new" distribution that contains all of the updates. I'm pointing my FC3 installations at a local NFS repository. If I copy the DVD onto my NFS server, everything works fine (note that I'm running these commands on a "virgin" FC3 box and the /home/fedora is NFS mounted off my kickstart server): # mkdir -p /home/fedora/modified # export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime # export FCBASE=/home/fedora # mount -o loop /home/fedora/iso/FC3-i386-DVD.iso /mnt # cd /mnt && tar cf - . | (cd $FCBASE/modified) Then I created a kickstart cd off the isolinux tree and everything works just fine. Great, now on to the next step -- I tried to regenerate the FC3 tree using: # cd $FCBASE/modified # find . -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f {} \; # pkgorder $FCBASE/modified i386 Fedora > $FCBASE/pkgfile # genhdlist --fileorder $FCBASE/pkgfile --productpath Fedora $FCBASE/modified # buildinstall --pkgorder $FCBASE/pkgfile --version 3 --prodpath Fedora --product 'Fedora Core' --release 'Fedora Core 3' $FCBASE/modified I then recreate the isolinux boot cd from /home/fedora/modified/isolinux and try to kickstart based on this tree. Everything seems to proceed normally, but part way through I get: Running anaconda, the Fedora Core system installer - please wait... at this point the graphics card initializes, but before the graphic installer is displayed, I get: install exited abnormally sending termination signals...done ...etc... I've checked the various virtual displays, and I don't see any (obvious) errors. Any ideas? ...thnx, ...dave alden