I am seeing that performance using MySQL 4.1.7 drops by a significant amount if I use a FC2 kernel (2.6.8-1.521smp or 2.6.9-1.6_FC2smp) compared to running a stock 2.6.9 kernel downloaded from kernel.org. The vanilla kernel was compiled using the i686-smp config that FC2 used. I see similar issues when running MySQL 4.0.xx. All MySQL versions were installed from the RPMs available from <http://www.mysql.com>. The benchmark being used to measure performance was RUBiS <http://rubis.objectweb.org/>. While vanilla 2.6.9 can service ~220 reqs/s, FC2's version of 2.6.9 can only deliver ~120 reqs/sec. I have a Dell Poweredge with a hyperthreaded Pentium IV. However, I am not sure what other information might be relevant to narrow this problem. There was a thread on FedoraForum.org <http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-20064.html> about a similar problem but I did not see any resolution there. Any ideas? Thanks, Niraj