On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:35:44 -0500, Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In the past, yum run out of /etc/cron.daily just spat out a line or two if it had installed sometihng, and you got it in yoru cron.daily email. No muss, no fuss, no bother. That seems a lot less error prone than this trying to rearrange stuff in /etc/cron.daily so that logwatch runs after the things you want to watch.
Come to think of it, logwatch is designed only to report on log entries for "yesterday" by default, so the order of running things doesn't really matter.
See: /etc/log.d/conf/logwatch.conf
Well, last night yum installled 4 packages (to do with selinux), and all I got in my cron.daily mail was:
warning: /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans saved as /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans.rpmsave
and there was NOTHING in my logwatch email about it.
If the packages are mentioned in /var/log/yum (and they should be) then that would suggest a problem with logwatch rather than yum.