I am now confused.
How or what do I put in the GRUB menu so that I can boot this machine?
I was told to
When you get the grub menu - try editing (e) - and remove 'rhgb', 'quiet' options - and add '3' and boot (b) to console-only mode.
Now get the latest updates - and reconfigure your X (with system-config-display)
Here was my problem
Hello all.
I am a newb. This was my first installation.
I got fedora 3.
successfully verified the MD5sums (after I fiugred out how :) ) Burned the ISO to disks
Verified the media.
I installed to a 2nd 6gig HD.
I set up:
1gig swap
101 - root
and the rest x2
Install went smooth.
When I booted for the first time.
It intializes my hardware and then I get this mesg.
Configuring kernel parameters and it just hangs. I reboot .. same thing.
It looks like it is trying to switch from text to graphcial.. then it switches back to text and lists this msg. and just sits there.
I redownload and did a clean install. Same problem.
Am Mi, den 24.11.2004 schrieb Terry R. Grier um 19:19:
In my GRUB Menu I have
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.681_FC3 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 3 rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader +1
In that order.
Where is the initial ramdisk image instruction? Where is the title declaration? You only have these 3 lines in your gurb.conf?