James Mckenzie wrote:
Hello back.
We want to burn the Fedora 3 DVD under FC3. However, the only program
cited in the instructions (X-CD-Roast) says it can't find the
DVD-writer. I saw the waeb page and they have a patch for 2.4.x kernels,
about SCSI emulation, but I don't see anything for 2.6.x. Does anybody
has any suggestions?
You will have to get cdrecord-prodvd (just google for it) and works with most DVD recorders. There are installation instructions on the XCDRoast web page on how to install the program.
James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!
Use growisofs instead. The magic incantation is in 'man growisofs'. I've
been burning DVD's with it including the FC3 DVD.