Well, what is your motherboard name and version and your BIOS version? Your present motherboard and CPU must be extremely old by today's standards.
Yes, old but serving my needs. BIOS upgrade not available.
What version of Fedora Core are you trying to install?
FC1, FC2 Both I have tried with exactly similar results
Check to see if there are BIOS updates available to you. Update your BIOS first. Then install Fedora.
If you can afford it, a better option might be to replace the motherboard, CPU, and memory.
I have other options. Only thing is , other distros of linux - suse,knoppix - at the same kernel level are working with the same configuration.
It is more a question of curiosity and technology
Thank you,
Parameshwara Bhat
Bob Cochran Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Parameshwara Bhat wrote:
Dear List,
( This was posted earlier. but I believe was not seen by the list. )
I want to pass on the real geometry of my new hard disk to linux kernel at a new
(Fedora) installation boot time. How is it done ? There must be a way as other Linuses do it.
I have attached a new 40 GB hard-disk to IDE0 bus as slave. My BIOS from
1999 has a limitation ( so it appears ) and unless I put a jumper for 33.2
GB limiting, hangs at boot time. But SUSE and Knoppix both have the
smartness to understand this and provide full capacity of 38.2 GB
( 4865,255,63 CHS), GRUB also has no problem once LBA mode is set. I am
trying to reinstall my Fedora on a larger partition of this new drive.
Partitions are created using Qtparted in knoppix and Windows xp and
knoppix already reside on the disk. Anaconda only sees capacity at what
BIOS gives it (4111,255,63 CHS ), thinks disk partitions are beyond the
disk ( ! ) and wants to reinitialise the Disk . I tried passing "linux
hdb=4865,255,63" at "boot : " which is ignored.
Thanking in advance,
Parameshwara Bhat
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