I am trying to get vmware running with a custom build kernel (source from the FC3 kernel SRPM). I have successfully build the kernel and the system is running fine. - FC3 + all updates (kernel-2.6.9-1.681_FC3) - VMwareWorkstation-4.5.2-8848 When I run vmware it tells me (correctly) that I need to run vmware- config.pl. When I do I get the output included below. The script expects to find a include directory with at least the following sub directorys "linux", "asm", "net". These are found in the binary kernel-rpm in the folder /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.681_FC3/build/include/ (plus many more files and directorys). But when I compile and install my own kernel I only get these sub directorys in /lib/modules/2.6.9-prepMM/build/include, "asm", "asm- i386", "config" and "linux". Why do I not see the same files and directorys? Have I missed anything? Do I look in the wrong place? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ output + input from vmware-config.pl ----------------------------------- What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /lib/modules/2.6.9- prepMM/build/include The path "/lib/modules/2.6.9-prepMM/build/include" is an existing directory, but it does not contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as expected. -- Magnus Morén__________________________________________________________ Network and Computer Centre/CITE,Halmstad University,tel:+46 35 167383 P.O Box 823, 301 18 Halmstad, SWEDEN email: magnus.moren@xxxxxxxxx