>My system froze. The mouse didn't move. All apps were unavailable. >Eventually I hit the big red switch and when the system started >rebooting I asked for the integrity check on the disks. That came back >with problems and aborted the reboot so I finally just allowed the >system to reboot. All seems normal but I think I still need to run a >disk check to see what damage was done. All disks are ext3. What >programs (since I assume there must be several) can I use to check the >system integrity? Bob: You probably ran the best one: fsck (file system check). However, if you want to force another run of the program, you can do so as the root user. Open a system terminal session from the menu. type in "su - " and root's password. Shutdown all programs except the system terminal window. Switch back to the system terminal window and type in the following command: shutdown -r -F -y now This issues the shutdown command, reboot, force file system check, answer all prompts on shutdown with 'yes' and do this command now. Using the 'man shutdown' command will give you further options for this command. James McKenzie A Proud User of Linux!