On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 21:26:17 +0000, whatsizbucket@xxxxxxxxxxx <whatsizbucket@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I'm going to figure that no matter what screensaver I get running, my system comes to a screeching halt after about 10 minutes and requires a reboot. > > My settings for xscreensaver are: > > 'Blank after' is set to 10 minutes, and 'cycle after' is set to 10 minutes. There are no values for Lock Screen after, and is grayed out. > > Any ideas if you are using 3d screensavers these could lock up the machine due to bugs in dri. if you can locate the exact screensaver or driver you can file a bug report on it otherwise exclude them and be done with it -- Regards, Rahul Sundaram