> > >> I am trying to install FC3 on a Toshiba Portege 7020CT Laptop. > > >> It has a pcmcia cdrom and the boot disks don't boot off the cdrom. > > >> It doesn't support booting off the usb either. Do a mininmal fc1 install and manually partition so it only creates / and swap in a 1gb partition then create a new partition at the "end" of the hd vfat or ext and put the iso's in it get the boot.iso and put it in there too. Rename the boot.iso to glbf.iso. get glbf floppy image from deesconsuting.com dd glbf to a floppy and boot off it. Choose the install from hd and point it to the partition with the isos in. Thats whay I did any way. HTH Pybe