Hello everyone, I have these 2 lines on my /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources: yum updates http://mirror.hiwaay.net/redhat/fedora/linux/core/updates/3 yum-mirror updates file:/etc/sysconfig/rhn/mirrors This is the content of mirrors: http://mirrors.xmission.com/fedora/core/updates/3/i386/ I've been running up2date (from command-line to see output) for more than 30 times. In all of them, up2date is using the mirror site. It is never using the main (hiwaay) site. I thought that up2date decided which site to use randomly (whether the main one or mirros) but once I started using the yum-mirror directive...it is always using the mirrors. Is this normal? If so, why then have the main yum channel-name main-site-url line? Thanks in advance, Jorge