john bray wrote:
On Sun, 2004-11-14 at 08:29 +1000, david walcroft wrote:Thanks to all,I'm not sure how I did it but I rpm -e xmms 1.2.10-9 and -Uvh 1.2.10-1 and
john bray wrote:
On Sat, 2004-11-13 at 16:47 +1000, david walcroft wrote:
Has anyone had problems since upgrading FC2 > FC3, I just cannot get it to play,i had the same problem. it wants an older version of a library. i
theres not much to say really tried various things but it plays 'dead'
Any help will be great
Thanks david
linked the current version to the old version. if you run streamtuner
from a terminal window, it'll put up the complaint about the library.
John,after i linked the new version to the old name, it works as it always has.
I updated streamtuner after the upgrade and only have the one,using the CLI doesn't error
save for "** WARNING **: alsa_setup_mixer(): Failed to find mixer element: default"
which possibly why it will not run streams but what to do.
Thanks david
hey david -
i'm replying to your email directly.
interesting stuff. i'm running what i realize now is a pretty old
version of streamtuner, apparently. it always just worked, so i left it
alone. heh. my version, BTW, is: [jmb@junior 2063music-archives-vol-1]$ rpm -q streamtuner
after it was suggested to get the fc3 version, a lightbulb came on, and i got it. but i can't upgrade to it because it wants a lib that's apparently only available at and isn't in the fc3 area. sheesh.
but, back to your alsa thing. you know, that sounds more like your xmms is having an alsa problem than streamtuner. at least in the version i have of stream tuner, all it's doing is running xmms to do the audio.
i'm attaching the m3u file it generated for me here a few minutes ago. you might put it on your box. if you haven't looked at them before, it's an ascii file you can less or more or vi or whatever. then, run xmms on it. here's the command line that streamtuner generated to run xmms on my box (broken into 2 lines):
jmb 27164 1 0 18:49 ? 00:00:00 xmms /tmp/streamtuner.shoutcast.6JNjXv.m3u
so, i guess that you can just do this (presuming you put the m3u file in /tmp:
xmms /tmp/streamtuner.shoutcast.6JNjXv.m3u
the question is whether you get sound or the alsa complaint from it, i guess. sound would seem to imply the problem is in streamtuner, else it's an xmms/alsa problem.
yah, you probably don't like ancient old southern rock, but it'll do for a test, perhaps? :-)
allso -Uvh xmms-devel-1.2.10-1 xmms-alsa-1.2.10-1 and it worked :-) then updated to 1.2.10-9
yum obsoleted xmms-alsa, and still working ,why =-O
Thanks again david